Five Quick Covid Facts to Share with your Covidian Relatives and Friends over Christmas Lunch.
Tis the season to be factual
Well, it seems that since I started this Substack, over a year and a half ago now, sooo much has changed, yeah?
The narrative, whilst it has not done a complete circle back, has at least turned a significant corner. The pro-vaccine brigade on the Twitter are less vocal these days, and I’m talking even before Elon’s takeover, the anti-early treatment peeps are less…. virulent, I think, and I barely see a dewormer post these days.
For this, I am grateful.
However, it astounds me that with all the real world data now out there, the undeniable evidence that the vaccines have failed to do the job we were promised they would do, there are still a quite a few vaccine diehards who refuse to let go of their beloved jab delusion. Or, having given up the ghost on the vaccines, perhaps they have turned into the ‘bring back maskers’ - as if thin paper face coverings are going to be the thing that saves us, finally, after 3 years.
I don’t completely blame these people, because if they are getting all their information from the mass psychosis inducing mass media, and have never sought to question or look beyond the headlines, which many people do, then it is no surprise that they are still believing that the vaccines have saved lives and everyone else, aka us, are just the victims of dreaded ‘misinformation’ purveyors, aka, formerly distinguished and respected “fringe” scientists, doctors and researchers such as Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough etc.
It is coming up to the Christmas Holidays, which is for many of us, a time when we may get together with distant friends and relatives, some of whom we may not have sat down to dinner with in many months. I personally am looking forward, somewhat anxiously, to seeing if any of the die hard Covid policy followers I argued with last Christmas have changed their tunes. I am not expecting a ‘sorry, you were right and I was wrong’ but it would be nice.
So, the reason I decided to sit down and finally write this post is somewhat selfish. As I am anticipating at least some awkward conversations, I thought when dealing with these stubborn, yet persistently obtuse people (some of whom I count as dear friends and family members) I thought it might be handy to have some basic, undeniable pandemic related facts on hand to just drop into the conversation, if and when needed.
These should be offered without much explanation, just as an aside, an interesting tit-bit, something that might just nudge the cognitive dissonance slide a little further towards logic and reason. Once detonated, these mini truth-bombs should be left to do their job. I have no desire to ruin get togethers with heated debate and arguing. Remember the saying, facts speak for themselves, well, speaks for itself.
So here goes, in no particular order:
Fact 1 - In Australia, more people have died from Covid related illness in 2022, then in 2021 and 2020. Source: Our World in Data and The Guardian. Notably, by April 2022, even though deaths from Covid-19 were already double that of 2020 and 2021 combined, the message of the Guardian article was still mostly positive towards the vaccine, it’s message was essentially, imagine how much worse it would’ve been without the vaccine? Hmm, if you say so. Note. There are people who still think our only options were to either ‘let it rip’ or vaccinate. The media have been largely silent to extremely negative regarding the topic of early, targeted treatment of the vulnerable throughout the pandemic. (See for more on what an alternate strategy may have looked like.)
Fact 2 - In response to a freedom of information request, the FDA petitioned the court to keep Pfizer’s pre-EUA data from public release for up to 75 years. That is, all the data the FDA had on file which led to the Emergency Use Authorisation, that authorised the vaccines to be released for public consumption. However a judge ruled, no way FDA, citing the information was of “paramount importance” to the public. The documents have to be released at a rate of 55, 000 pages per month (instead of the 500 pages per month the FDA wanted which would have taken them up to 75 years) until October 2022. Question. If the FDA are so sure the product they authorised via EUA is “safe and effective”, why did they try to keep the information from the public? Source:
Fact 3 - At the start of the vaccine rollout, the vaccines were not fully tested to see if they would or could prevent infection or transmission. Yet, the alphabet agencies, Government officials, friendly mainstream media and various celebrities all told us that the vaccines were “safe and effective”, and, that it was our civic duty to roll our sleeves up and get ‘jabbed’, not just for our own sake but for the sake of the community at large. Do it to ‘protect grandma’, was the oft repeated catch phrase. Source: - and so many examples of public figures telling you to “get vaccinated” to “stop the spread” that it would fill up this post and I want to move on. Except, I’m just going to drop this one in here of our newly re-elected Victorian premier back in 2021 telling us, quite emphatically, that vaccination is our “most effective weapon against infection”:
Fact 4 - Did you know that the Covid-19 Case Fatality Rate for those under 59, to August 31st 2020 (that is before vaccines were introduced) was only 0.07%, average rate for men and women? Yep, that is way way under 1%, so a 99.93% survival rate for under 60-year-olds.
Fact 4b - For those older than 80 the case fatality rate increased dramatically, however, on average 72.7% of those who did die of Covid-19 had pre-existing chronic conditions also listed on the death certificate. Lots of other interesting facts regarding the pre-vaccine Covid-19 morbidity in this ABS article:
Fact 5 - Since the introduction of Covid-19 vaccines, that is early to mid 2021, depending on the country, the excess mortality rate has increased significantly. In Australia, according to a leading actuary it is running at 13% above average for 2022, which is very, very unusual. (The ABS figures have it up to 17%.) Many articles have pointed out that ‘scientists are baffled’ regarding the cause of this increase however, they are sure it isn’t the vaccines. Even though, actuaries and insurance companies started to notice this trend emerging 3rd quarter of 2021, a few months after the mass vaccination campaign began. This could just be a coincidence, however, it is still worth investigating. Yet, no-one seems all that interested in doing so as yet, according to this article. How weird is that?
There are many more Covid-19 and pandemic related facts that are worthy of note, but I haven’t got time to gather them all. I mean, I am pretty sure that most of you reading this already know of many of them. However, just remember that to be right is not what we wanted, not at all. Please treat yourself and others with kindness and compassion, regardless of their stance. Oh, and have a merry, little Christmas for me.
Signing off,
Francine Rose
(Note. This article was edited to correct an incorrect figure on 13.12.22)