In 2021 I was faced with a decision to either take what I considered an experimental injection into my body or lose my job. I was concerned but like some doctors risked professional and financial ruin if I spoke out. So I took the two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and felt violated and shamed as a result. Something about it felt extremely uncomfortable even though the shot itself did not hurt. I couldn’t believe that after years of hearing about the importance of ethics, informed consent, and learning about the Nuremberg Code that I was in this situation, in Australia, in 2021.
I had ‘done my own research’ and in doing so I came across the same talking points in every official source I could find. The vaccine has been “thoroughly tested” it is “safe and effective” side effects are “extremely rare” and will reduce transmission. However, I had my reservations. What does “safe and effective” mean anyway. How safe? How effective?
Well, writing this a year later it seems it is not that effective, given we all had to take a booster shot within 3 months of our second dose. The ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) guideline was reduced from the original 6 month recommendation to 3, due to “waning efficacy” of the vaccine against the Omicron variant. And as for “safety” - well we are hardly allowed to talk about this are we. Vaccine side effects are touted as ‘rare’ and ‘mild’ yet there is increasing real world evidence (VAERS, U.K’s Yellow Card system etc) that indicates otherwise.
In fact, so much information is leaking out, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with it all. Yet our official sources and “trusted” news authorities are busy playing whack-a-mole with the truth, as uncomfortable data keeps popping up from various sources. Their preferred weapon? Call anyone who dares to question the vaccine narrative “conspiracy theorist”, “anti-vaxxer” or the reports are dismissed as misinformation by supposed “experts”. The message is clear. Nothing to see here. Don’t ask any questions.
The article I linked to above reports that doctors in Australia faced deregistration in 2021 if they did or said anything which impeded the vaccine rollout. The language used is “false or misleading”. In the United States currently, a group of the most outspoken doctors, who have collectively treated thousands of thousands of patients successfully for Covid-19, are facing decertification from their medical boards. Not for malpractice, or for doing harm to their patients in any way - the opposite is true - but also for spreading “misinformation”.
But what is this misinformation? As evidenced in this meme from Twitter, even Dr. Fauci himself has been a purveyor of misinformation as he flip-flops his advice every few months it seems. So why does he get a pass by the establishment media when others do not?
The reasons for this are many and not what this post is about. However, suffice it to say that the obvious bias of the large media outlets and social media towards government approved narratives should give you some clue. In any case, it is becoming clearer and clearer that supposed misinformation is anything the establishment don’t want you to know about. A joke going around on the social sphere explains it best. What’s the difference between information and misinformation? About 6 months.
So getting back to doctors. There was a time when it was respected and even expected that you seek out a second opinion in the medical field as it was understood that doctors had different opinions and that you shouldn’t just accept the first answer you got about something if you weren’t happy about the advice offered. The field of medicine was considered large and complex enough to hold a variety of opinions and options for different issues. Since 2020 it seems that only one option and opinion is acceptable when it comes to COVID-19. Anything else is ignored, shot down, considered “snake oil” and marginalised. Respectable doctors who have decades of experience, including Dr Peter McCullough who is the most cited in his field, are now denounced simply for practicing medicine as it has been practiced for hundreds of years.
This may be a good thing in the end as it will at least give these doctors a platform to show that treating patients and helping them get better, with treatments and methods that really are safe and effective, is well within the parameters of their respective licenses. And, as it is now obvious to everyone that these vaccines did not do the job they were supposed to have done; ending the pandemic, isn’t it time to perhaps just let doctors do their jobs. That is, to use their training, expertise and experience to treat their patients as best they can.
From the beginning of this pandemic, early treatment was ignored and pushed aside, because the vaccines were coming and they were going to save us. When ivermectin came along, they bought in the big guns. Out came the hit pieces, the academics trawling through all the (considerable) positive research body of ivermectin looking for all and any sign of sloppy research, and even better “fraud”. Ivermectin, was discredited by a chorus of main stream media outlets and slandered as “horse dewormer”. In Australia, the TGA made the unprecedented and stupendously arrogant move of banning GP’s from prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19, citing in its September 2021 press release, “a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated.”
The assumption at the time was that the vaccine was going to be the thing that ended this pandemic, and if silly old doctors were allowed to prescribe ivermectin it might deter the punter from taking the shot. Well, as it turns out, the vaccine did not stop the pandemic, it did not reduce infections over all (some say that mass vaccination has actually prolonged the pandemic) and almost a year later, Australia is having to deal with more infections than ever. More than in 2020, before the vaccines were steamrolled out. One only needs to take a look at the number of infections compared to the number of vaccines to see a continuous upwards tick. If the vaccines worked even moderately well, shouldn’t the number of cases have started to trend down by now?
TGA, you’ve had your go. You’ve put the fear into our doctors and prevented them from doing their job. Prevented them from potentially saving lives, preventing hospitalisation and reducing mortality. All because you banked on your buddies at Pfizer et al who have incidentally bankrolled you in turn it appears, to the tune of 96 per cent of your entire budget, according to a recent paper published in the British Medical Journal.
Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. They have let you down. And you have let the citizens your regulations are meant to protect down in turn. Please. Step out of the way now and let doctors do their thing.